Supporting ACT Down Syndrome
The Independent Foundation is pleased to support the ACT Down Syndrome Association - an organisation that provides a place for dancing, a social catch up, a source of information and advice, a way to share experiences with others, an office to train for work at. This vital community resource relies on donors.
Within 24 hours of a diagnosis of Down syndrome in a new born infant, the ACT Down Syndrome Association is congratulating parents on the birth of their beautiful baby, and providing information, support and advice. Invitations to social events to meet other parents, activities for kids, and work opportunities for young adults are all organised by the Association from a small office in Pearce.
Independent values everyone equally, especially at work. The ACT Down Syndrome Association provides work experience for people with Down syndrome, and opportunities with employers who recognise their skills and value at work.
Learn more about the work they do and hear from our Office Assistant, Tim Cologon, as talks about his job at Independent in this clip.
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