contact us

Not sure who to talk to? Drop us a line.

At Independent, we're committed to delivering exceptional client experiences - it's at the heart of everything we do. We want to hear more about how we've served you.

North Office - 02 6209 4000
South Office - 02 6209 5000


Property Management

General enquiries

North Office:

P | 02 6209 1555
E |

South Office:

P | 02 6209 5050
E |

Emergency after hours contact

All Tradez Electrical – 0498 880 105

Level Plumbing – 02 6185 0341

LJ Air – 02 5500 5504

SES - 132 500

In the event of urgent repairs occurring outside of office hours (between 5pm and 8am Monday to Friday and 24/7 on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays), please follow our procedures.


New management enquiries

North Office:

P | 02 6209 1555
E |

South Office:

P | 02 6209 5050
E |



Independent North

Ground floor, 243 Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham ACT 2602

P | 02 6209 4000
E |

Independent South

18 - 24 Townshend St, Phillip ACT 2606
P | 02 6209 5000
E |

Project Marketing

General enquiry

P | 02 6209 4000 or 02 6209 5000


Do you have any feedback you need to chat to us about, or an issue we can help you with?

Talk to us

P | 02 6209 1587
E |